Main documents

For management of breeding work in beef cattle across the Czech Republic is responsible Czech Beef Association (ČSCHMS).

The basic document governing the breeding activity in the Czech Republic is breeding program. It identifies trends and methods of breeding the different breeds in order to achieve domestic objectives.

Šlechtitelský program BM.pdf (531 kB)
Kompletní šlechtitelský program plemene belgické modrobílé (prosinec 2006) 

The breeding program continues Regulations of Herd-Book, which extends and specifies the rules for keeping of Herd-Books, and in particular the conditions for registration of sires and breeding cows in various sections.

Řád PK.pdf (227 kB)
Řád plemenné knihy plemene belgické modré (prosinec 2006) 

For more information visit also Czech Beef Assosiation web-site.

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